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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bloggy Friends

    Recently I was visiting a blog that I used to read regularly. Not sure why, something obviously intrigued me enough to keep reading it.

     So last week there was something the author posted about give her a link to one of your posts and she will give her two cents.
    And well..........
    I did, give her a link that is and said go for it.
    Kinda cocky of me No?
    Did I really want to know what someone thought? I mean I guess so, I do post something everyday for others to read and
    c o m m e n t.
    SOOOOOO then I must be ok with it.
    Well, the comment I got wasn’t the best, I’m not really sure what I was expecting. Definately not what I got.
    Does that mean I need to toughen up?
    Grow some thicker skin?

    The comment however did make me think.
    About why I really blog.
    I won’t tell you who this person is, I don’t really care to pimp her blog, also cause I have found that a couple of you also read her blog. I am not big into causing problems.
    To each his own.
    It's a Free world to read who you want. 

    Lets just say that I wont be reading hers anymore. 
    Even though I did tell her to GO FOR IT.
    But whatever dude.
    I will however share her comment she posted.
    Alright, you asked for my opinion and now you're going to get it.
    Blogging is not a secret. Blogging is not a good place to keep secrets. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
    If you want to write a diary? Write a diary. Get one of those cutesy little books with the heart-shaped locks and write those secret thoughts down.
    Or write them on your computer and tuck them away.
    But if you blog those thoughts?
    Blog them for others to read?
    But not your husband?
    Not even, babe.
    My husband reads every word I post. Not before I post (I am not an "ask permission" sort of gal), but after the post hits the blog? He reads.
    Most of what I share on my blog, he already knows. But I have surprised him a few times.
    Your husband may be passive. But if he knows about your blog and doesn't seek it out? Doesn't want to know what you are sharing with the rest of the world?
    Something feels off to me.
    But that's just my opinion.
    Secrets in a blog . . .
    Soooooo am I wrong for getting upset?
    Am I out of line?
    Do I need to grow a pair?
     I think my initial reason for starting my blog was to keep myself occupied enough to not focus on my health issues also to keep me out of trouble. You all already know that.
    Mission half accomplished.
    Then after some time it turned into a neat place where I could just chat with some pretty cool awesome kickass new friends, and at the same time get some great feed back on things I've been going thru in my life.

    I know some might think I am a hypocrite cause I talk about being a brutally honest person but yet I don’t tell the sportsman everything.
    I have a perfectly good reason for that.

    I don’t share because I have come to the conclusion that telling the sportsman everything to ease my own concious, No.1) is WRONG because doing this would only be seriously hurting him.
    And I don't want to do that.
    Just to make my concious feel better.
    But at the same time I can't censor who I am.
    So all that said, I am ok with my decision.

    My intentions have never been to set out to hurt my sportsman.
    I plan to keep it that way.
    If that changes your opinion of me,
    I'm sorry.
    But it is what is it.
    I don’t/won't change for anyone.

    Source URL: https://juffryjeanses.blogspot.com/2010/10/bloggy-friends.html
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