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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Brought to you by your proud spnosor

    Full Disclosure

    That’s right this is MY blog.

    In case you are new. I talk here about my sportsman, my soccerboy, my tattoo girl, my pets, my mom, and basically anything that has to do with ME.
    Sometimes that means sex, or sometimes that means politics.  Of course those who know me, know I rarely talk about politics.I don't talk about my place of work, I dont talk about people from my church, and I don't talk about my soccerboy or tattoo girls school.

    Clear enough?
    So if this is not the kind of content you like. Then may I suggest you go elsewhere.

    *Just so you know what I talk about here in no way reflects what kind of mom I am. 
    I am a kickass mom. Who has two great normal kids.
    I am also just like any other adult, who doesn't have a phobia about sex.
    So I tend to talk alot about that here.

    This is my place to vent.
    This is my place to hang with my f r i e n d s.
    *Key word FRIENDS!

    If you choose to visit my blog, then be made fully aware.

    Just cause you commet, doesn’t mean I have to freakin post it.
    I reserve that right.
    You know why???

    I’ll tell you, cause its MY FREAKIN BLOG! HELLO

    Did you get that loud and clear?

    AS of recent I had a not so nice person trash talk on my blog.

    That’s not very nice, now is it.

    So here is a big FAT F Y I !
    That is not acceptable here.

    If you don’t like what you read here, well then by all means don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.


    If that wasn’t clear enough for you, that means see ya! Bye Bye!

    Thanks for stopping by but don’t bother coming back.

    Now don’t get me wrong I love when people comment.

    I’m just sayin that there is no place here for people who want to talk shit on ME, my blog or my freakin family.

    Welcome to MY blog.
    GOT IT!

    Now with all that said, I am sorry to inform you that I will NOT be posting a HNT photo today. Sorry everyone.

    Just not in the mood, yesterday’s crap has given me a freakin headache.

    So how about a rain check?

    Source URL: https://juffryjeanses.blogspot.com/2010/10/brought-to-you-by-your-proud-spnosor.html
    Visit juffry jean for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

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