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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hands of time

    There is one thing that I really hate, and that is having to slow down.
    Well and I don’t like to be told what to do.

    I am a 90 mile a minute kinda gal.

     I am not this way just cause I am a working parent with two kids. Or the fact that I have a kid in competitive sports. I’m this way cause life is too damn short to just sit around while it all passes you by.

    I have like a million things that I can fit into every day. I feel good, no great, no freakin awesome when I am on the move. I feel completely lazy when I just sit.

    I have an incredibly hard time sleeping in on the weekends. I am normally up by 6am. Bcause I want to be. I have this need to be up and hitting the gym. Definitely not laying around in bed all morning wasting time.

    I know this is not normal. Everyone should take time to relax and just chill. It is just extremely hard for me to do that.

    The reason I am rambling on about this, is its important for you to know how crazy I am about staying busy and the recent change in my life. AS of late I have had to slow down. Rest more. Do less. It sucks!

    I freakin HATE it!

    I know I should be thankfull that I can do all that I can. Alot of people with my disease aren’t as lucky as I am. This was one of the things my Rheumy was concerned about when I was first diagnosed. That I wouldn’t be able to slow down. Which is really bad for people with Lupus.

    You are not supppsed to over do it.

    Hello? Really? Whatever!!
    That doesn’t apply to me.
    Does it?

    So here I am, going from a full on run, down to a pathetic slow ass crawl.

    And it totally sucks ass!

    AS of recent, I have had to take more naps, yes naps like a freakin kindergartoner. I have spent more time resting, reading books, and laying around. Which really stresses me out.

    I need to be able to exercise. It is a must, so I will use every ounce of strength I have to make sure I can exercise every freakin day.

    Then what ever energy is left over will most definitely be put towards sex. You know me, I will always save just enough energy for sex.

    So since I’m getting to do so much sitting on my ass, does anyone have some good ideas on how to fill all of my free time?

    Source URL: https://juffryjeanses.blogspot.com/2010/10/hands-of-time.html
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