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Friday, July 1, 2011

war of the worlds 1953 martian

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  • /war.of.the.worlds.part4.

  • go_gc_way
    12-26 01:13 AM
    Bump /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

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  • tonyHK12
    09-28 10:56 PM
    yes, they do think for the betterment of THEIR country. you and i don't fit in THEIR model of GOOD for their country.
    well maybe, but our goals should be to convince a small group of just law makers, who are generally well educated, intelligent.

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  • images War of the Worlds

  • quizzer
    02-06 04:13 PM
    I saw this in economic Times today

    Any comments:


    2011 WAR OF THE WORLDS (1953), war of the worlds 1953 martian. The War of the Worlds is a
  • The War of the Worlds is a

  • Kodi
    10-02 01:56 PM
    After 5 months they're auditing my PERM application. My attorney just sent me an email. They're not asking for specifics but wants to make sure we advertised the position. Attorney's going to submit a report as to why the applicants weren't hired as well.


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  • war of the worlds 1953 tripod.

  • Roger Binny
    09-27 04:29 AM

    Is there any thing we can do to save IV forums, from all these so called smart people.

    Simly these guys want to derail the whole discussion either it is EB3 push or visa capture or any kind of fruitful discussion.

    I know it is difficult to stop creating and screening ids, atleast can you delete some unrelated postings and make sure that there is some healthy discussion continues and people like me wont stop visiting IV.

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  • hairstyles hot War Of The Worlds (1953) war of the worlds 1953 aliens.

  • sdrblr
    09-03 05:31 PM
    Congratulations Dude !!! wow 6 years for a freakin LC.. What happened at the BEC.. did it go the BEC for BEC :)

    By grace of Almighty, finally my Inbox received the email from USCIS that I was eagerly waiting for.

    Just few minutes back, I received the Email from USCIS for myself, my wife and daughter saying "Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident".

    It's a long journey started in August 1997 with landing in Washington Dulles Airport. Got a chance to start the GC process by filing Labor in 2001. The labor approval didn't come until 2007.

    In 2004 had to take a transfer to different company which caused me to start the Labor again in Nov 2004. Lost the valuable 3 years of PD date.

    Finally the approval for 2nd labor came just right before 2007 July Fiasco. Luckily I had my attorney filed my application on July 2nd itself. And Rest you know the story.

    All throughout I was on H1B, on permanent employment and never out of status. Never had any problem with Immigration process except for the GC delay. In any way it was an interesting journey, making new friends, had the chance to live in SFO, LA, New Jersey, Virginia and currently in Maryland.

    Many thanks to IV and its members for providing the wonderful platform for sharing and collaborating for common cause.

    I wish all the best to all those who are still in queue. Hang in there. Your turn will come.


    war of the worlds 1953 martian. “The War of The Worlds”
  • “The War of The Worlds”

  • mp2007
    07-11 06:03 PM
    Yes, she is very powerful, specially considering she Chairs the committe that oversees DHS.

    Is she so powerfull?

    Is she so powerfull? If so, she deserves flowers with note "Thank you for standing up for lagal immigrants".

    She Rocks.

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  • tattoo War of the Worlds (1953

  • gcjones
    05-14 11:35 PM
    From: http://www.oig.dol.gov/contact.htm

    Main Address and Phone Number

    Gordon S. Heddell, Inspector General
    Daniel R. Petrole, Deputy Inspector General
    Office of Inspector General
    200 Constitution Avenue, NW
    Room S-5502
    Washington, DC 20210
    Telephone: (202) 693-5100

    OIG Hotline: Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

    200 Constitution Avenue, NW
    Room S-5506
    Washington, DC 20210
    Telephone: (202) 693-6999 or 1-800-347-3756

    Office of Audit

    Elliot P. Lewis, Assistant Inspector General
    Michael A. Raponi, Deputy Assistant Inspector General
    Richard F. Woodford, Executive Assistant
    200 Constitution Avenue, NW
    Room S-5512
    Washington, D.C. 20210
    Telephone: (202) 693-5170

    Michael K. Yarbrough, Acting Deputy Assistant Inspector General
    Atlanta Federal Center
    61 Forsyth Street, SW Room 6T20
    Atlanta, GA 30303
    Telephone: (404) 562-2341

    Dwight E. Gates, Acting Audit Director
    Atlanta Federal Center
    Room 6T20
    61 Forsyth St. S.W.
    Atlanta, GA 30303
    Telephone: (404) 562-2341


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  • kommisetty
    08-14 11:01 AM
    Finally I got the email for Renewal EAD card production ordered.
    I e-filed on june 9th, sent docs on june 11th and finger printing on July 1st. Card production ordered on Aug 13th and will update with the validity of the period once i receive the EAD card.

    PD:10/05 EB2-I. I-140 AP 3/06. I-485 RD 08/07 ND 10/07.
    ************************************************** ********
    If my post has been helpful, please consider contributing to immigrationvoice. It will help us continue this effort and serve the community. Thank you.

    ************************************************** ********

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  • war of the worlds 1953 aliens.

  • Ahimsa
    07-19 10:20 AM
    What do we say when people correlate illegal and legal immigrations as closely connected?

    There was a hearing yesterday in the house "Should We Embrace the Senate's Grant of Amnesty to Millions of Illegal Aliens and Repeat the Mistakes of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?"

    Look what Mr. Steven A. Camarota (Center for Immigration Studies) quotes in his testimony (shown in italics): (http://judiciary.house.gov/media/pdfs/camarota071806.pdf)

    ...many observers have pointed out that when you reward law breaking, you make legal immigrants who have played by the rules, and in some cases have waited many years to come to our country, look like fools for taking America�s law seriously.

    True. But see what he says then...

    ...Amnesties and Increased Legal Immigration Don�t Solve Problem. �Amnesty spurs more illegal immigration, as does increases in legal immigration. A 1997 report from the INS found that there was a surge of new illegal immigration when the 1986 amnesty went into effect. The increase seems to have been the result of family members joining their newly legalized relatives�
    One of the most controversial provisions in S2611 is the very large increase in legal immigration it creates. The larger the pool of immigrants (legal or illegal) in the United States, the greater is the pull for more illegal immigration. Illegal aliens often live with legal immigrants and it is legal immigrants who often provide information about jobs and housing to their relatives and friends back home. Legal immigration has been increasing for more than three decades, and illegal immigration has been increasing right along with it. The top sending countries for legal immigration are by and large the top sending countries for illegal immigration. A survey funded by the National Institute of Health found that one-third of new legal immigrants were former illegal aliens. Legal and illegal immigration are closely linked. The past shows that if you increase one you increase the other. The Senate bill repeats the mistake of thinking amnesty plus increases in legal immigration will solve the problem. It did not in the past and there is no reason to think it will this time around. Instead, S2611 will almost certainly stimulate more illegal mmigration...

    Obviously Mr. Camarota was generalizing the legal immigration and was not talking about employer sponsored immigration.


    war of the worlds 1953 martian. Re: War Of The Worlds Martian
  • Re: War Of The Worlds Martian

  • aachoo
    01-23 01:35 AM
    Why are you equating quality of life to owning a house?
    - Because you are an "owner"? No you are not! You are renting the house from the bank
    - Because you have a backyard?- go out and rent a house. They are a dime a dozen, will cost you half the cost of your monthly mortgage payment
    - Because you have peace of mind? Really. Read your other post on people getting laid off
    - Because your (ok someone else's) kid asked if you are poor? Really? A kid's innocent question is going to make you gamble (that's what investing in an immovable asset is in your situation) away a decade of savings?
    - Because you want to give your child the best possible childhood? Think about it, if things turn for the worse either in your economy/company/job (absolutely do not wish it on anyone), and you are forced to move/sell the house/get foreclosed upon etc., how much more have you hurt your family and traumatized them in your effort to give them a great childhood?
    - How many nights of peaceful sleep have you lost lying awake wondering what you would do if you/your spouse lost a job, had to move etc.?

    I still cannot understand how/why someone would buy a house in the bay area ($700K+ for a SFH in a minimally liveable area) and $1M+ in places like Cupertino.

    I will enjoy my quality of life in my rented condo (with a rent 1/3rd of the monthly mortgage payment it would take to buy it) and take my 2 year old to the park if he feels like he needs a back yard. Dont need to mow the lawn either!

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  • War of the Worlds 1953 Herald

  • rustum
    03-06 02:15 PM
    Can someone help me with this...
    As per the new rules for indian passport nenewal, you are supposed to fill an online form which would prepare a PDF file with your entries , and then you have to take a printout and submit it at the cosulate.
    But the problem is, there are many more questions in the PDF from which are not even mentioned in the online form.

    My dilemma is,
    What do I do with the entries in the PDF form (passport) that are NOT filled by the online form ? Am I supposed to fill them by pen or just leave them alone ?

    In the guidelines and instruction document, under the steps:-
    Passport should be registered online and after taking the printout, information in the blank spaces should be handwritten. Return address and telephone numbers must be mentioned.

    You might have already submitted your application. This might help others following this thread.


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  • quot;War of the Worldsquot;, 1953.

  • gcformeornot
    04-12 01:07 PM
    my answer to Q 16 was C9 and the instructions said that for C9, send it to NSC for applicants living in CA. Hope this is correct!

    page 10 of 11...

    There are only 2 locations now for most cases.... Phoenix and Dallas... wonder where did you get instructions to file to NSC...


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  • ksrk
    09-02 02:44 PM
    Have not seen approvals today :) Is this the height of efficiency? all visa #s consumed on day 1

    The dreaded question! On everyone's mind, but we dare not ask. As you must know, the whole process is in an extremely delicate balance - please don't rock (read jinx) the boat by asking such questions! :)

    Anyways, good luck to all eagerly awaiting their GC - and let's continue making our efforts at longer term relief (ala advocacy efforts, etc.).


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  • The War of the Worlds

  • smuggymba
    08-17 07:54 AM
    congrats roseball. Are you filing regular or premium 140. I haven't heard back from my lawyer/HR after the PERM email.

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  • pd052009
    03-22 06:30 AM


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  • The War Of The Worlds (1953)

  • pushkarw
    09-03 06:26 PM
    I guess the important thing is not to lose hope. Easier said than done. Hopefully your service request does the trick for you. How did u go about opening the request? I am in the same boat - checking status every 2 minutes :)

    Seems some of us are destined to wait longer..called USCIS and got a service request requested. Not sure,at this point what else can be done (apart from checking case status daily i.e)

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  • crystal
    07-11 03:35 PM
    the letter that Lofgren wrote raises very very valid questions including the overtime work pattern of uscis BREAKING NEWS: LOFGREN GIVES USCIS THREE DAYS TO ANSWER QUESTIONS


    Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), chair of the House Immigration Subcommittee, sent Secretary Chertoff a list of questions and a request for documents from USCIS to get to the bottom of the whole Visa Bulletin fiasco. The letter is very interesting not just because it puts a heck of a lot of pressure on DHS right now, but also because Lofgren's folks imply from the questions that USCIS was short circuiting established security clearance procedures to "pre-request" visa numbers from DOS. If it turns out full security clearances were not carried out, USCIS will either need to say that they had the legal justification (which would be a public relations disaster for the agency) or that they intended to complete the checks after the fact (which would be a direct violation of their own regulations). The only way to avoid answering the questions and to make this go away would be to eat crow and start working the case July cases.

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  • gc_chahiye
    10-22 02:55 AM
    my lawyer told me that dates will definitely move ahead next month. He was confident about it after talking to his contacts at USCIS i guess.

    except that the visa bulletin is published by the department of state, not USCIS...

    anyway EB3-India and hopefully EB3-ROW would definately move soon, they seem to have been pushed too far back out...

    04-10 01:26 PM
    Agreed, Elderly people just want to be with their friends/relatives and want to be in the country they have grown up in and lived all their lives.

    This is a thread that has no relevance to IV or the community that is suffering from retrogression, especially if you are a EB candidate from India & China. We need some energy devoted to the following:

    Multi year EAD/AP
    Recapture wasted visa numbers
    Eliminate counting dependents on the Adjustment application from numerical limitations
    Do away with country limits

    If we can hit the target with even ONE of the demands above we have a won a battle with the larger war looming in on us and that is successfully surviving the GC's tumultuous journey.

    Every discussion on the forum should concentrate on solving one of the issues above and the concept of citizenship after 5/10/15 is total nonsense.

    06-09 12:04 PM
    Come on guys .. can't you spare minutes to call CHC for our own cause.

    This is very important to call CHC now. They will not let these bill to move forward.

    I had call CHC and it will not take more time..

    Source URL: https://juffryjeanses.blogspot.com/2011/07/war-of-worlds-1953-martian.html
    Visit juffry jean for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

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